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Friday, 31 January 2014

HP Color LaserJet 2600 - Firmware Update

This is just a follow on from my previous post about updating the DC Controller firmware on the Hewlett Packard Color LaserJet 2600 to fix the ghosting fault which can be found here:

Once you've fixed your ghosting fault, you can update the main program firmware on the formatter board if you want to. It's not absolutely neccessary, I've just included it for completeness.

 The latest version is 20070716 (July 17, 2007). You can check the current firmware version of your printer by printing the configuration page, described in the previous post and in this one:

The firmware version is found towards the top left of the page. This is HP's description of the fix:

 Includes all fixes and enhancements from previous updates. Corrects an issue where the HP Color LaserJet 2600n Toolbox will not function if Microsoft's .NET 3.0 Framework software is installed.

Installing the firmware update is the same as before, but here's the instructions from the HP website:

Installation Instructions
Firmware update process:
  • The HP Color LaserJet 2600n Firmware Update Utility can be performed using either a Network connection or USB port.
  • When using the USB port or the network connection, the HP Color LaserJet 2600n software must be installed prior to using this utility.
  • The HP Color LaserJet 2600n printer must be in a READY state as shown by the LCD display on the control panel and remain powered on during the entire firmware update process.
This utility is for use on Windows 2000, XP, Vista and Server 2003. It can be used with Network or USB connections.
MS Windows Instructions for printer firmware update:
  • Depending on the speed of your PC, the firmware update process may complete on the printer, before the progress bar on the screen completes.
  • Once the update process has started, do not use your PC for other activity until the process is complete.
  1. Download the file to the desktop.
  2. Turn the printer off and then back on to clear main printer memory.
  3. Double click on the flash update utility file. A Window "HP_Color_LaserJet_2600n_Firmware_Download" will open.
  4. In the window adjacent to the "select printer to update" use the drop down arrow to select the "HP Color Laser Jet 2600n" driver. If you have previously assigned a different name to the HP Color Laser Jet 2600n, choose the name that represents the correct printer.
  5. Click on the Start button in the "HP_Color_LaserJet_2600n_Firmware_Download" dialog window.
  6. The progress bar will begin to move to the right indicating information being transferred.
  7. Do Not power cycle the printer or the PC during this process or the printer may become unstable and or unusable without further attention from HP. The firmware update can take up to 5 minutes to complete. Please be patient.
  8. During the printer firmware update, the liquid crystal display (LCD) on the printer control panel will display "Initializing". After a short while, the LCD display will change to "Hewlett Packard" and then back to "Initializing" After a short while, the LCD will display "Ready". At this point it is necessary to power off the printer and then power on again.
  9. If it is desired to verify the update, a configuration page can be printed from the printer control panel (Press the green Select button, then press the left (<) or right (>) buttons to navigate to the Reports menu, press the green Select button - press the left (<) or right (>) buttons to navigate to Config report and press the green Select button). The configuration page will display the current firmware revision in the Product information block, Firmware Version: 20070716.
  10. On the display of the PC, a smiling face will appear in the "HP_Color_LaserJet_2600n_Firmware_Download" dialog box at the conclusion of the successful firmware download.
System Requirements
  • This utility is can be used on Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP and Vista. It can be used with Network or USB connections.
  • HP Color LaserJet 2600n printer driver must be installed.
  • Must be able to print to the HP Color LaserJet 2600n.
Unlike the previous one, this firmware  file is still available on the HP website.

Go to: , click Support & Drivers, select Download drivers and software (and firmware), enter the model number (Q6455A) in the box, and click Go. Select your operating system and then you can download the firmware file.

 Or you can save yourself some time by downloading the same file here (you will have to unzip the file):

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Pinnaclemicro 3 Million Computer Products

2 thoughts on “HP Color LaserJet 2600 – Firmware Update


This is from the HP LJ P3005 service manual:

55.XX.YY DC CONTROLLER ERROR alternates with To continue turn off then on.

The engine is not communicating with the formatter.

1. Turn the device off and then on.
2. Verify that the flat ribbon cable between the ECU and the formatter PCA is connected correctly.
3. If the message persists, replace the ECU. If the message still persists, replace the formatter.

If you do need to replace the ECU, you can find the instructions in the service manual here (right click to save):


Thursday, 30 January 2014

HP LaserJet 5 - Grinding Noise And Paper Jamming

A grinding noise and paper jamming at the fuser in a Hewlett Packard LaserJet 5 is more than likely caused by the drive train gear cluster.

Open the rear door on the printer, remove two screws, and then pull the fuser out. Shine a torch into the back of the printer and look at the condition of the gear that drives the fuser. You might see that some of the teeth on this gear are worn or completely missing.

The part number for the drive train gear cluster is RG5-0876-050CN. Hewlett Packard list this part as discontinued but you might be able to find a supplier that can sell you one.

Before you buy this part, check the condition of the fuser. Check the gears and the surace of the heater roller. If the fuser is worn as well, you will need to price this up as well. Bearing in mind that this printer is now over ten years old and probably in need of a complete clean and service , it might be time to buy a new model.

If you decide to replace the part, this is what's involved:

  1. Remove the fuser as previously described
  2. Undo one screw at the back of the right side cover and slide the cover off
  3. Undo the screw on the memory cover on the formatter assembly and remove the cover
  4. Remove four screws on the side and two at the back of the formatter assembly and pull the formatter assembly off
  5. Remove one cable and four screws from the main motor and then lift the motor away
  6. Remove two screws and the drive train gear cluster will slide out the back of the printer
 Before fitting the new part, check that it is lubricated. If not, apply some grease to the gears. Also, make sure it is seated properly before fitting and tightening the screws.

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RG5-0876-050CN - Gear cluster (drive train) assembly

One thought on “HP LaserJet 5 – Grinding Noise And Paper Jamming

Bobby Dee Myers
i have a 2605DN and am having trouble with the manual feed. to achieve the process in manual tray 1 of an envelope i am directed to hit the green button. after this it will print but sometimes it also picks up a sheet from tray two and prints on it leaving the envelope that fed behind it blank

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

HP Color LaserJet 2600 - Image Ghosting Or Repeating Down The Page

Image ghosting (image repeating itself down the page) on a Hewlett Packard Color LaserJet 2600 when first switched on or after it has been idle for several hours can be cured by a simple firmware update.

Measure the distance between the original image and the repeated image. A measurement of 56.6 mm indicates the fuser needs replacing. Before you buy a new fuser, check the firmware version of the DC Controller.

You can do this by printing out a config page. A configuration page can be printed from the printer control panel (press the green Select button, then press the left (<) or right (>) buttons to navigate to the Reports menu, press the green Select button - press the left (<) or right (>) buttons to navigate to Config report and press the green Select button).

At the bottom of the printed configuration page a line beginning with CPR and then a group of numbers followed by EV= will be shown. The latest DC Controller firmware (1.47) will show as EV=2F.

If the value of EV is lower than 2F, such as 2A, you need to update the DC Controller firmware.

This is the HP description of the fix for this firmware update:

Corrects fuser offset (ghosting) that typically appears on the first print jobs after the printer has been idle for several hours. The offset or ghosting typically appears on the left or right margin but is not limited to those areas.

For some reason, HP have removed the firmware file from their website. You can still find the Mac OS X version on HP by searching for it. You can find the Windows version elsewhere by searching Google for 2600_DCC_FW_Update-14701.exe.

Or you can download the Windows version by clicking the following link (you will have to unzip the file):

This is the version I use, and have used recently, so it works and shouldn't contain any viruses.

You need to have the printer driver installed on your computer to run this update. Simply run the program and select the printer to update in the box that opens up.

DO NOT POWER CYCLE THE PRINTER during the update process or it may leave your printer in an unusable state.

During the printer firmware update, the LCD display on the printer control panel will display "Initializing" and the green and amber LEDs will begin flashing. After several minutes the green and amber LEDs will go solid and the printer will make a noise as if it is warming up. The display will then change to " Turn off then on". At this point it is necessary to power off the printer and then power on again.

Print out the config page again to confirm that you get EV=2F and your ghosting problem should be fixed.


There are detailed instructions on installing firmware updates on this printer here:

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Pinnaclemicro 3 Million Computer Products

Sunday, 26 January 2014

HP Color LaserJet 2600 2605 - Faint Red Or No Red

If your Hewlett Packard Color LaserJet 2600 or 2605 prints the red (magenta) faint or not at all, the laser scanner assy needs to be stripped out of the printer and cleaned.

This fault affects the red first and is usually worse on the left hand side of the page. Before you start stripping the printer down, it's a good idea to try another red (magenta) toner cartridge in it first.

There are two probable causes of this. Firstly, the magenta scanner sits at the bottom of the printer and will tend to collect any stray toner or dust that's floating about inside the printer. Secondly, there is a fan situated right next to the scanner which will blow any stray dust or toner into it.

This is, briefly, how you remove the laser / scanner assembly from the printer:

  1. Remove the right cover; remove one screw at the back and pull the right cover off
  2. Remove the left cover; remove one screw at the bottom of the cover, press the clip in at the front, and pull the cover off
  3. Remove the nine black screws holding the metal plate on at the back of the printer and remove the metal plate
  4. Remove the cables connected to the two logic boards except for the flat cable connecting the two boards together and the yellow cables at the bottom of the right hand board
  5. Remove the cables from the black plastic cable guides
  6. Remove the L shaped cable guide at the right by pressing in two clips with a small screwdriver and pull the guide out
  7. Remove the long horizontal guide by sliding it to the left and lifting it away
  8. 2605 - unclip the cable guide on the left
  9. Remove the eleven screws from the metal plate with the two logic boards on it and lift the plate away complete with the boards
  10. Remove the white plastic clip holding the two flat cables from the scanner to the printer chassis
  11. Remove the three screws from the scanner, two at the top and one at the bottom, and lift the scanner assembly out of the printer (2605 - bottom screw has a metal spring plate covering it)
 With the scanner on the bench in front of you, you can now dismantle it ready for cleaning.

Remove one screw and a spring from the front of the scanner and lift off the cover. Remove the long plastic arm which will fall out if you turn the scanner over. Remember how this arm fits.

You will see four 6 cm long red / purple coloured mirrors inside the scanner. Inspect the bottom one. Initially it will look the same as the others. Carefully wipe a small part of it with a cotton wool bud and you will see the difference it makes. It is this thin coating on the mirror that causes the fault.

Carefully blow away the dust from inside the scanner. Use the cotton wool buds to clean all the mirrors and lenses. Blow again to remove any fluff left behind by the cotton wool buds. It's now ready for reassembling.

When you fit the scanner back into the printer, make sure it's seated correctly. It hooks in at the top first and there are two locating lugs on the right hand side, one at the top and one at the bottom.

Be careful not to pull the two flat cables out of the scanner. When you fit the plate and logic boards back into the printer, be careful not to trap the purple wires from the top of the scanner behind the metal plate.

It's probably best to leave the side covers and back cover off until you're sure it's working. Power the printer on. If you get any error messages, check all the cables are connected. Any scanner related errors are usually caused by the flat cables from the scanner coming out or the purple wires from the scanner trapped behind the metal plate.

 Do a test print. It should be looking good now. If the color alignment isn't spot on, run the calibration routine which is desribed in this post:

One final note. I once had one of these printers where someone had attempted to clean the outside of the lense from inside of the printer. Whatever they had used to clean it with had scratched the surface leaving it opaque instead of transparent. This required replacing the whole laser / scanner assembly to cure it.

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Pinnaclemicro 3 Million Computer Products

13 thoughts on “HP Color LaserJet 2600 2605 – Faint Red Or No Red

Many thanks.
Have had this problem for a long time and it persisted despite use of HP cartridges and regular calibration.
Your instructions were relatively easy to follow, and the improvement in quality is amazing.

Great article and corrected my problem with faint printing in “red”. Thank you!!

David (another one!)
Brilliant! I had three printers with this problem, and was contemplating replacing them. Using your excellent and accurate instructions I now have three quality printers once again. Thank you!!

Tony G
Many, many thanks. We run a small business and need this printer every day especially for the reds! Everything was as described and all problems are now cleared.

Stephen B
WOrked fantastic. Saved us a few quid!

Hiten Shah
I am stuck trying to unscrew the three screws from the scanner, please can someone advice which screwdriver is best for this?

I’m back, trying to do this fix to correct faint magenta and colors still out of alignment. I have the 2605dn, and yes there is a metal plate covering the bottom screw on the scanner. How do you suggest I get at that screw?


Hi Amy,
Lay the printer on its front and look at the bottom. You will see two shiny metal spring plates. There will be a screw behind one of them. The metal plates are springy and will bend so you can either flip them out with a screwdriver or flip them up with your finger nail.

Hello.. im trying to dissamble the parts of the tuner, im currently stuck at part 4 : “Remove the cables connected to the two logic boards except for the flat cable connecting the two boards together and the yellow cables at the bottom of the right hand board”

Some of the cables seems not removeable.. the Purple ones, i cant seem to unplug them.. seems like i need to put too much force on them to get them out… but im afraid they will cut. Am i doing the right thing..? please answer… How to get the purple cables out.. thanks…

Betty Paysur
I have followed these instructions and everything worked fine. Thanks for a great job helping out. My red is now printing an even red across the page. I have one problem, though… ALL of my colors now appear “faded.” They aren’t as brilliant and bold as they were before cleaning the mirrors and lenses. I used a dry cotton ball to clean the mirrors and I rubbed them several times each.

Could it have created a slight abrasion on the mirror surfaces that would result in “faded” colors, or is it more likely something else is going on?

I also have a cleaning kit to clean the photo sensor of a DSLR camera. The kit includes a high-grade “cloth” and a cleaning liquid that evaporates without leaving residue or spots. Would it be advisable to use that on the printer mirrors?

thanks for your help!

I usually use a cotton ball or soft cloth without any problems. I wouldn’t use any solvents. You might find that the scanner isn’t seated properly in the printer. Unscrew it, lift it out slightly and try to reseat it. Make sure it’s lying flat in the printer before you put the screws in. It hooks in at the top first and there’s a round plastic lug that goes through the chassis. Sometimes the lug doesn’t go through the hole in the printer.

MIRROR CLEANING PHOTOGRAPHS. Having just done the 2 hour process of getting inside at the mirrors I found it easier using a sequence kindly put together with photos here:

TIP: It also answers the question above about the purple wires (there are TWO parts to the black socket – only the INNER part comes out eg with a small partial pull at each end with a thin nosed pair of pliers)
TIP: when putting the metal plate back, make sure ALL the 4 white flat cables bottom right are out to the right side! I missed two and had to re-unscrew the whole thing again!

Gyorgy Zolnay
Excellent article! Many thanks for it. I have a new printer now again.

Saturday, 25 January 2014

HP Color LaserJet 2500 - Attention Light Flashes After Every Page

If your Hewlett Packard Color LaserJet 2500 Attention light flashes after every page and you have to press the Go button to continue, you need to check the size of the paper in the paper tray and the size of the paper set in the printer properties.

If these are the same, print out a config page by pressing the Go and Cancel buttons together. Look for the Default Paper Size in the bottom right of the first page.

What you might find is that the paper in the paper tray is A4 and the software is set for A4, but the printer has defaulted to Letter size.

In normal use, this won't happen or you probably won't notice it. You're more likely to come across this in a workshop enviroment while repairing and testing the printer. You will see it when you print a test page or config page.

Two possible causes of this are:

  1. You've replaced the formatter board and the paper size is set to the factory default Letter.
  2. You've performed an NVRAM INIT on the printer which has set the paper size to the factory default Letter.
 There's two ways to fix this. If you've got the original CD that's shipped with the printer, there's a utility on it to set the default paper size.

If you've not got this CD, you need to send a file to the printer to set the default paper size. This is the contents of the file with comments to explain what each line does:

←%-12345X@PJL    Start PJL job
@PJL SET CRPAPER=A4    Set cold reset page size [=Letter/A4]
@PJL RESET    Perform PJL Reset
←%-12345X    Exit PJL mode
The left arrow ← at the start of the first and last lines represents the Escape character. If you create this file using MS-DOS Edit, you enter the Escape character by holding down CTRL-P and pressing Esc. This will look like a left facing arrow, ←, on the screen.

There's a good chance you're not running a Windows 98 / MS-DOS machine with MS-DOS Edit. Whatever operating system you're using, you will need to create a plain text file. You will also have to consult the documentation for the editor you're using to see how to insert the Escape character.

Once you've created the text file, save it with any name you like but give it the pjl extension, e.g. A4.PJL. You then send this file to the printer. If you can go to an MS-DOS command line, the following will work if you are connected to the parallel port of the printer:

type a4.pjl > prn

The green light will flash for a few seconds and then the printer should go into the ready state. Print out a config page and check that the default paper size is now set to A4.

For your convenience, I've created A4.PJL for you which you can download by clicking the following link:


The escape characters will look like squares if you open this file in Windows XP Notepad.

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Pinnaclemicro 3 Million Computer Products

Friday, 24 January 2014

HP Color LaserJet 2605 - Colours Out Of Alignment

The symptons of this fault is that the colours appear to be out of alignment. If you look closely at a printout, you will see it is actually the black that is shifted horizontally and the other colours are ok.

You will also find that running the calibration routine in the menu makes no difference.

Just in case you don't know how to perform the calibration, this is how it's done:

  1. Press the green button with the tick on it (select)
  2. Press the right arrow button, System Setup shows on the display, press select
  3. Press right twice to show Print quality and press select
  4. The display will now show Calibrate Color, press select
  5. Calibrate Color Now will be on the display, press select
  6. You will now see Press √ to calibrate now, press select
  7. The display will briefly show Printing Document and change to Calibrating
  8. After a few minutes, the printer will return to Ready
You can try calibrating the printer and see if it cures the fault. If it doesn't, the fix is to perform the Super NVRAM Initiializer.

Super NVRAM initializer
 CAUTION Super NVRAM initialization will erase all network settings. Before performing Super NVRAM initialization, print a Configuration page, which contains network setting information.
 When a super NVRAM init is performed, the printer enters the Generic Product Mode, which changes the language and country/region settings to “undefined.”
 NOTE Super NVRAM init will erase all data stored in the protected NVRAM settings.
Before performing the Super NVRAM Initializer, you will need to print out the config page, network config, and service page. You will need to print these out again after and change any settings that have been reset. The two times I've had to do this, I've been lucky and the settings have been ok.

Config Page

  1. Press select
  2. Display shows Reports, press select
  3. Press the right button twice
  4. Display shows Config Report, press select
 Network Config

  1. Press select, on Reports, press select
  2. Press right four times, on Network Report, press select
Service Page

  1. Press select, on Reports, press select
  2. Press the left button, on Service Page, press select
Now you've printed out your settings, you can do the Super NVRAM Initializer:

  1. Turn printer off
  2. Hold down left and right arrow keys
  3. Turn printer on
  4. When you see the message Permanent storage init, release the (Left arrow) and (Right arrow) buttons
 You will then be asked to select the language and location (country). When you've done that, the following message shows on the display:


You won't have to turn the printer off and on. If you wait a few seconds, it resets itself.

When the printer is "READY", print out another test page. You should find that the black is now aligned properly but the image might look blurred because the red is not aligned. Simply run the calibration procedure described earlier and everything should now be ok.

Don't forget to reset any settings, especially the network settings.

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Pinnaclemicro 3 Million Computer Products

32 thoughts on “HP Color LaserJet 2605 – Colours Out Of Alignment” 

I seem to have to do this once a week. Does anyone have any idea if this is indicative of faulty NVRAM or just a 4 year old printer?


How bad are the colours out of alignment. If it’s only slight misalignment, it could be a toner cartridge problem, especially if it’s old and nearly empty or a refilled one. 

If the misalignment is bad and you have to keep resetting the NVRAM and colour calibration, it could be that the dc controller is losing it’s settings when it’s powered off for some time.

Fantastic, I had tried all of the usual fixes for this printer including stripping it twice!!!
Thank you very much.

M Soyke-Matthews
Dear Admin/ Thank you VERY much for this solution. I had black out of alignment on a 2605dn,with a grey sheen over the whole page even to the edge. Calibration did nothing so applied above fix and it has resolved the mis alignment. Thank You! Marcus London UK. Keep up the good work!

The Magenta was missing on my HP2605dn, I carried out the instructions for cleaning the lenses and all went well. I have magenta back, but the colours are still out of alignment and I am missing about an inch of toner on one side. I have calibrated and performed the Super NVRAM Initializer, re-calibrated but to no avail. Any other suggestions? Thank you.

Hi Christine,

It sounds as if the scanner assembly isn’t seated correctly in the printer. Remove the toner cartridges and look into the printer. Look at the bottom scanner lens and try to compare the distance between the lens and the metal chassis at the left and right hand sides. You might find that the lens is further back on one side.

What you will need to do, is to go through the process of removing the scanner again. When you refit it, place the printer on it’s front on something soft so that you don’t damage it. Be aware that, because the front of the printer is curved, it might be a bit unstable.

When you fit the scanner, drop it into place at the top first. There are two clips on the top of the scanner that have to hook onto the metal frame of the printer. There are also round lugs on the front of the scanner that fit into the frame.

What commonly happens is that the scanner is just placed up against the printer frame and the screws tightened up. Because the screws are long, you won’t notice that the scanner isn’t seated properly. The plastic lugs on the front of the scanner don’t go through the holes in the frame properly and you end up with the scanner sitting in the printer at an angle.

If you look at the plastic lugs closely, you will see a ridge on them where they’ve snagged on the frame. I usually take a sharp knife and take off the edge that’s been produced before I refit the scanner.

I hope this helps. Let me know how you get on.

I have now done this twice on my printer. First the black will line up, but magenta and yellow are still out of alignment, so I run color calibration. Then the colors line up but black is off again. Argh! Any ideas?

Hi Amy,
Another problem I’ve seen is that the link that engages the transfer belt drive becomes detached. You might have to remove the top cover and right side cover to see it. It’s a white plastic assembly in the top right hand corner of the printer underneath where the fuser sits. When you close the front door, the engaging wheel should move in and and drive the transfer belt. If it doesn’t, the arm that operates it has slipped out of place. It’s hard to see how it should fit unless you have another working printer to compare it to.
This picture shows you where to look, with the red circle round it:

This is a link to the service manual to remove the covers, right click and save to your computer:
HP Color LaserJet 2605 Service Manual
Once you figure out what’s wrong, it’s just a case of bending the arm out and dropping it back in to place.

Thank you for the suggestions. I did take off the covers and observed the wheel engaging with the transfer belt, so I don’t think that’s the problem. NVRAM Init brings the black into alignment, but then I have to do 2 color calibrations to get the colors lined up…at which point the black has moved again. I have color jobs to print (and deadlines :-S ), and everything looks terrible! Any other ideas??

A very common fault with this printer is faint print, particularly with magenta. This is caused by dust or toner getting on to the laser scanner mirrors. I saw one today where the magenta was only slightly faint and the colours wouldn’t line up properly. When the laser scanner assembly was stripped down, there was a fine layer of dust on the mirrors. Once this was cleaned off and the printer reassembled, the colours then lined up properly after calibration.
You can read how to do this repair here:
HP Color LaserJet 2600/2605 – cleaning laser scanner mirrors 

Hi Everybody,

I Got same problem (Colours Out Of Alignment on HP CLJ CM1017MFP). How to slove it. Plz help me.

I’ve not worked on this printer but it looks like it’s a Color LaserJet 2605 with a scanner added to it. As for the fault, it depends on how bad the alignment problem is. If it’s only slight, it could be a problem with a toner cartridge. Sometimes non HP cartridges can cause a slight alignment problem. I’ve also seen it on genuine HP cartridges that are nearing the end of their life.

Have you tried to calibrate the printer from the control panel or the Toolbox. Instructions are on page 39 of the service manual that you can download from here:

 If that doesn’t work, you can try the NVRAM initialization on page 159 followed by calibrating the printer again. Note that this will wipe all your settings so print out a network config page first.

This doesn’t cure the problem with the 2605, the Super NVRAM Initializer is used but the procedure for this isn’t shown in the CM1017MFP service manual. If the above steps don’t work, as a last resort, you can try the Super NVRAM Initialization routine I’ve described in this post.

HP Color Laserjet CM1015 Printing Problem

When printing images the printer alignment seems to be out. I have tried cleaning and resetting printer to default settings. When printing out text its fine, the problem only occurs when I print images. I have tried to print different images from print art gif images to jpeg no difference. When the image is placed to the right hand side of the paper a bigger ghosting affect appears when printed. When the image is placed to the left hand side of the page little ghosting appears.
Can you help?

Hi Mark,
Measure the distance between the ghosted images. Measure from the start of the original image to the start of the ghosted image. If its always the same distance, we might me able to work out what’s causing the problem.

The info above has been really helpful, but…. I am still having problems with the colour printing. I’ve callibrated several times, run the Super NVRAM Initialiser and every cleaning option =- including cleaning the ETB. But still any colours printed (text or graphic) appear to be out of alignment.

Anything else you can suggest?? Of course, I have an urgent colour print run to do! The printer has only done around 3,200 prints from new.


Check the previous comment with the picture. Check that the white plastic link hasn’t come out of place.

Yes, I already checked the belt drive link, and it is all working fine…

Used the Super NVRAM initializer

and it worked thank you

I’ve got a 2605 that developed this after we moved house. ToolboxFX reports Colour Plane Registration Sensor Error. Super NVRAm Init didn’t work, in fact I now have misalignment between all colours, yellow magenta and blue all misaligned with black.

Checked the scanner and that seems fine (I’ve not taken it apart, I can’t remember where the instructions were!). The plastic link driving the belt is located correctly. I’m really at a loss….

Any suggestions?

Thank you very much for this informative solution, worked perfectly!

Teros Pi
I have a CM1015 (the version with scanner) and I had the same problem (shifting of 0.5 mm in the black toner printing). 

I did EVERYTHING explained in this page (reset to default values, Super NVRAM initialization, cleaning of mirror and lenses…) and nothing worked.

What worked for me was to clean the “Color plane registration sensor” (also called “density sensor unit”), located on top of the ETB belt (on top when the frontal door in closed; when you open it to access the toners department, this sensor is the rectangular thing nearest to you with a black plastic cover, attached to the ETB belt). What I did was to clean all the sensor with a soft brush (mainly the part looking to the ETB belt; you don’t need to unmount it), calibrate, and finally it worked!


Thanks alot. I had the CM1015 and the scanner/laser needed to be cleaned becuase the magenta did not come out. After that the alignment was of and i was not sure what i did wrong? After the reset the machine worked 100% fine. Thanks alot you really helped alot :) 

exelente ayuda, muchas gracias

Help me please,

I Have horizontal line on all my pages. What happen? How can I fix it?


What colour is the line and how thick is it? Do you just get one line on each page? It might be caused by one of the toner cartridges.

Thank you so very much for the Super NVRAM solution. I have spent lots of moneyover several years and have blamed it on the toners. I had given up on printing in color with the 2605. I ordered new toners (remanufactured) and the mis-alignment isue was still there. Finding your solution is amazing! I can enjoy the 2605 and still save money!

Hi, I have an HP colour laserjet CP2025 which always prints a black line down the page about 4 inches in from the left margin. Any ideas on how to get rid of it?

You might have a scratch on one of the toner cartridges (possibly the black one if it’s a black line), the transfer belt, or the fuser.

Thanks for the information on aligning colors for an HP 2605dn. I had tried many ways to correct it but none seem to correct the problem. With your Super NVRAM Initializer instructions, the process was able to align the colors. Again thanks for this valuable information.

B Dalal
Extremely helpful post…
My printer was really messed up after I gave my printer for servicing. Alignment was huge issue and tried everything…nothing worked.

Finally i found this post and tried resetting NVRAM as per instructions. and bingo!

Printer back to normal.

Kudos and many thanks to the person who posted this. Very helpful. No money spent.. and worked perfect.

Mary Anne
Thank you so much for this post. Just about to send printer off for expensive repair and this solved the problem. Thanks!

mahi boum
I have same Problem color not matching But with my printer hp laser jet cp 1215 if u have video demonstration to clean & resolve a problem